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Long time ago
Is it Normal
Long time ago
Love And War
Long time ago
Long time ago
common interests
Long time ago
Fear is what drives us!
Long time ago
Stress can take quite a toll on you. Car breaking down, no cash, no way to work and back, behind on bills, etc. My business still isn't up and running after two years plus. Feeling like a failure in the worst ways. Almost like a death that was promised to be quick and painless but turns out it's slow and tortured.
Long time ago
Is there a reason?
Is there a reason?
Is there a legitimate reason I feel the way I do? Is there a concrete message that I am being sent and not knowing or realizing what it's meant to tell me? I feel more a lone than usual and because feeling like such a failure is so over whelming. I've been ...
Long time ago
Uncertainty is a real emotion that many feel. Whether they choose to show it or hide it, it's still there. Sometimes masks are easier to change than the way you feel.
Long time ago
Long time ago
Fear is what drives us!
My strength, my rocks!!
Long time ago
The Cost Is Real
Seems like it will never be good!!!
Long time ago
Is it Normal
Life Is Scary Sometimes.
Long time ago
Love And War
Love what you are because so many over come things that they never knew they could.
Long time ago
Long time ago
common interests
We all have issues.
Long time ago
Long time ago
Office Online
Long time ago
Long time ago
Is all it worth it?

Sometimes I do wonder but then I take a good hard look at my surroundings and know I'm exactly where I should be. I'm not in the financial spot I want to be yet but I'm working with on that. Hopefully be fully functioning in the next few months.Things will all come together with a ton of hard work and dedication. I've been doing that now it's time to pull it all together and start doing what I love.

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